11.011 The Art and Science of Negotiation
Introduction to negotiation theory and practice. Applications in government, business, and nonprofit settings are examined. Combines a "hands-on" personal skill-building orientation with a look at pertinent theory. Strategy, communications, ethics, and institutional influences are examined as they shape the ability of actors to analyze problems, negotiate agreements, and resolve disputes in social, organizational, and political circumstances characterized by interdependent interests. (Source: Course Catalog)
11.255 Negotiation and Dispute Resolution in the Public Sector
Investigates social conflict and distributional disputes in the public sector. While theoretical aspects of conflict and consensus building are considered, focus is on the practice of negotiation and dispute resolution. Comparisons between unassisted and assisted negotiation are reviewed along with the techniques of facilitation and mediation. (Source: Course Catalog)
11.364 International Environmental Treaties and Their Implementation
Examines the history and dynamics of international environmental treaty-making, or what is called environmental diplomacy. Emphasis is on climate change and other atmospheric, marine resource, global waste management and sustainability-related treaties and the problems of implementing them. Reviews the legal, economic, and political dynamics of managing shared resources, involving civil society on a global basis, and enforcing transboundary agreements. Focuses especially on principles from international relations, international law, environmental management and negotiation theory as they relate to common-pool resource management. (Source: Course Catalog)
15.665 Power and Negotiation
Provides understanding of the theory and processes of negotiation as practiced in a variety of settings. Designed for relevance to the broad spectrum of bargaining problems faced by the manager and professional. Allows students an opportunity to develop negotiation skills experientially and to understand negotiation in useful analytical frameworks. Emphasizes simulations, exercises, role playing, and cases. (Source: Course Catalog)
15.675 Negotiation Seminar
Provides understanding of the theory and processes of negotiation as practiced in a variety of settings. Designed for relevance to the broad spectrum of bargaining problems faced by the manager and professional. Allows students an opportunity to develop negotiation skills experientially and to understand negotiation in useful analytical frameworks. Emphasizes simulations, exercises, role playing, and cases. Restricted to Sloan Fellow MBAs. (Source: Course Catalog)
15.667 Negotiation and Conflict Management
Applies negotiation theory strategies and styles to problems managers and professionals commonly encounter in the workplace. Emphasizes sources of power in negotiation, self-assessment of personal negotiating strengths/weaknesses, and practice in negotiations via role-plays and simulations of common workplace conflicts. Covers conflict management as a direct party and as a manager helping others resolve their conflicts through mediation, investigation, arbitration, and helping the system itself to change as a result of a dispute. Special cases include bullying, harassment, dealing with difficult people, cross-cultural negotiations, and collective actions. (Source: Course Catalog)
15.712 Power, Influence, and Negotiation
Provides understanding of the theory and processes of negotiation as practiced in a variety of settings. Designed for relevance to the broad spectrum of bargaining problems faced by the manager and professional. Allows students an opportunity to develop negotiation skills experientially and to understand negotiation in useful analytical frameworks. Emphasizes simulations, exercises, role playing, and cases. Restricted to Executive MBA students. (Source: Course Catalog)
21G.019 Communicating Across Cultures
Examines a range of communication styles and techniques resulting from different cultural norms and traditions. Begins with a general theoretical framework and then moves into case studies. Topics include understanding the relationship between communication and culture, differences in verbal and non-verbal communication styles, barriers to intercultural communication, modes of specific cross-cultural communication activities (argumentation, negotiation, conflict resolution) and intercultural adjustment. Case studies explore specific ways of communicating in Asian and European cultures. Graduate students are expected to complete additional assignments. Taught in English. Enrollment limited. (Source: Course Catalog)
ESD.110 Global Environmental Science and Negotiations
Practical introduction to the international environmental political arena, particularly designed for science and engineering students whose work is potentially relevant to global environmental issues. Covers basic issues in international politics, such as negotiations, North-South conflict, implementation and compliance, and trade. Emphasizes the roles and responsibilities of experts providing scientific assessment reports and in technical advisory bodies. Term projects focus on organizing and presenting scientific information in ways relevant for ongoing global policymaking. Students taking graduate version complete additional assignments. (Source: Course Catalog)
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